Crawler Desktop Weather is a standalone weather application. It gives you to-the-minute updates on the weather conditions of a single location and it can also provide forecasts. It also shows radar and map data and weather alerts, when they are issued.
It is a standalone app. It doesn't need a web browser to work, but it can be added to Internet Explorer as a toolbar for easy access to the temperature and other weather data. The home page of Crawler Desktop Weather shows the location you have selected on a satellite map, along with some basic data, like temperature, wind speed, dew point, visibility, humidity, pressure, wind chill and even the moon phase. It also shows a 1-day forecast. More detailed forecasts can be accessed within the "Forecast" window. You can customize the app a little, but not much. The only thing you can really do is change the location or change the measurement units used from MPH to KMH or from F to C.
Crawler Desktop Weather does not have a tray icon, so no alerts can be given to you. If you want to receive a severe weather alert, you have to have this application open when the alert is issued. The weather data seems to be accurate, but most apps get these data from the same few sources.